Marketplace update: sponsoring Bootstrap, progress on Glassmorphism UI, and a new Figma project

A lot has been happening since the last major marketplace update. We reached over 10 thousand users on Themesberg, almost 4 thousand subscribers to the newsletter, released new technologies for the Volt admin dashboard template for Flask, Django, and React, started a new CSS UI library based on glassmorphism, decided to contribute with a monthly $100 to the Bootstrap project, and we're almost ready with a new Figma project as well.

Themesberg marketplace update

The next few months will be full of new product launches, as we've been working on them tirelessly since the beginning of this year. But let's first go through what happened since then.

Sponsoring Bootstrap

Starting this April, we decided to contribute with a monthly $100 to the Bootstrap project. It is an open-source framework that has defined our early days, so I believe that now is the time to also give back. We will maintain this contribution for an undefinite time.

Themesberg sponsoring Bootstrap

Our logo is now also shown on the official readme file on Bootstrap's Github page.

Product updates

Earlier this year we've made a lot of updates for most of the Bootstrap 5 based project to bump them to the beta versions. For the Volt Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard template we've added a new kanban page, and also improved the overall styling. For Pixel Pro Bootstrap 5 UI Kit, other than bumping the Bootstrap version to a more stable beta, we also improved overall styling.

As soon as Bootstrap will release a stable version for Bootstrap 5, most of our themes will get a proper update to also become stable.

Progress on Glassmorphism UI

We've been making a lot of progress on the new Glassmorphism UI library by upgrading the styling, working on the documentation, switching FontAwesome icons to SVG powered icons, using the Utility API to create new classes, and of course a lot of new exciting components based on glassmorphism.

Glassmorphism UI

Sign up at to get these updates right into your inbox or follow @zoltanszogyenyi for daily updates. We also cover these changes on our blog.

New project in Figma

This may sound like a surprise to many of you, but we're almost ready with a new Figma powered project! We've upgraded our internal workflow to first design projects in Figma, and only then integrate into technologies. Until now, we actually designed and coded at the same time.

Themesberg Figma Project

I want the project to be a complete surprise, since we'll launch next week, but all I will say is that it's based on a brand new interface, and it is also a lot more enterprise-like compared to our earlier products. There will be a demo version available as well, open-source under the MIT license.


It may seem that development has slowed down here at Themesberg, but that can't be farther from the truth! At the beginning of this year, we changed our strategy to provide less, but higher quality content and projects. At the same time, we're working with 5 developers to integrate our existing themes into exciting technologies, such as Vue.js, Angular, Elixir/Phoenix, Eleventy, and more to follow.