Volt Pro Laravel Admin Dashboard

Full Stack Laravel App with Livewire & Alpine.js


Build complex admin panels faster with a premium fullstack tool featuring ready to use Laravel CRUDs and Livewire & Alpine.js integrations. We partnered with UPDIVISION to help you cut up to 90 hours of development time for a wide range of admin panels: blogs, lightweight e-commerce platforms, SaaS apps.

Volt Dashboard PRO Laravel is a powerful, versatile dashboard which comes with the most commonly used CRUDs in any app: #users, #roles, #items, #categories, #tags. Add in a clean design with over 800 handcrafted UI components and you`ve got an awesome starter pack for building web apps.

What am I getting?

You're getting a multi-purpose tool for building complex apps. Complete with a clean, elegant design.

Volt Dashboard PRO Laravel at a glance:

  • 800+ handcrafted Bootstrap 5 UI components to make your app stand out. From buttons and forms to alerts and datepickers
  • 21 example pages to get you started, including sign up page, transactions, Kanban board & more
  • 10 lightweight plug-ins
  • Laravel CRUDs for the most used functionalities in any CMS: role-based authentication system, my profile, CRUDs for managing users, roles, items, categories and tags
  • SaaS files & Gulp commands
  • Livewire & Alpine.js integration
  • Documentation for each component so you can get started fast

Designed to save time

The backend is fully integrated, meaning you can easily tick all the boxes for a fully-functional admin panel for your custom application. You have hundreds of UI components to choose from, which you can easily edit using Sass files and classes. In short, everything you need so that your app looks like you want it to look and does what you want it to do.

Free demo

Check out the open-source demo version for a taste of what Volt Dashboard PRO Laravel has to offer.

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47 purchases
Price: $149
Released: 3 years ago
Updated: 2 years ago
Version: 1.0.2
Category: Laravel
Well Documented
  • 6 months premium support included
  • 100% W3C valid HTML5 files
  • Future updates
  • Fully responsive pages
  • 30 day refund policy
  • Built by Themesberg

Folder structure

We believe that being transparent when it comes to the code base and the file structure can make you better understand how it is going to be like to actually work with Volt Pro Laravel.

Below you can check out the folder structure of this template, and by hovering over each item you can also read an explanation of what the folder contains and what its role is.

├── bootstrap-tables.blade.php                  # Bootstrap tables page
├── calendar.blade.php                          # Calendar page
├── components
│   ├── button                                  # Dropdown button component
│   │   └── link.blade.php
│   ├── date-picker.blade.php                   # Datepicker component
│   ├── input                                   # Select input component
│   │   └── select.blade.php
│   ├── table                                   # Table template
│   │   ├── cell.blade.php
│   │   ├── heading.blade.php
│   │   └── row.blade.php
│   └── table.blade.php
├── dashboard                                   # All the dashboard pages
│   ├── app-analysis.blade.php
│   ├── dashboard.blade.php
│   └── traffic-sources.blade.php
├── datatables.blade.php
├── errors
│   ├── 404.blade.php                           # Error 404 page
│   └── 500.blade.php                           # Error 500 page
├── layouts
│   ├── app.blade.php                           # Including layouts based on routes
│   ├── base.blade.php                          # All the styles and scripts included
│   ├── footer2.blade.php                       # Footer for pages without sidenav
│   ├── footer.blade.php                        # Footer for pages with sidenav
│   ├── nav.blade.php                           # Nav for mobile view 
│   ├── sidenav.blade.php                       # The sidebar menu
│   └── topbar.blade.php                        # Search bar, notifications and user area
├── livewire
│   ├── auth                                    # Handles auth routes (login, register, logout, reset password)
│   │   ├── forgot-password.blade.php
│   │   ├── logout.blade.php
│   │   ├── reset-password.blade.php
│   │   ├── sign-in.blade.php
│   │   └── sign-up.blade.php
│   ├── categories.blade.php                    # Categories table
│   ├── components
│   │   ├── buttons.blade.php                   # Buttons page
│   │   ├── forms.blade.php                     # Forms page
│   │   ├── modals.blade.php                    # Modals page
│   │   ├── notifications.blade.php             # Notifications page
│   │   └── typography.blade.php                # Typography page
│   ├── edit-category.blade.php
│   ├── edit-item.blade.php
│   ├── edit-role.blade.php
│   ├── edit-tag.blade.php
│   ├── edit-user.blade.php
│   ├── examples                                # Examples pages
│   │   ├── billing.blade.php
│   │   ├── err404.blade.php
│   │   ├── err500.blade.php
│   │   ├── forgot-password-example.blade.php
│   │   ├── invoice.blade.php
│   │   ├── lock.blade.php
│   │   ├── pricing.blade.php
│   │   ├── profile-example.blade.php
│   │   ├── reset-password-example.blade.php
│   │   ├── sign-in-example.blade.php
│   │   └── sign-up-example.blade.php
│   ├── items.blade.php                         # Items table
│   ├── kanban.blade.php                        # Kanban page
│   ├── messages.blade.php                      # Messages page
│   ├── new-category.blade.php
│   ├── new-item.blade.php
│   ├── new-role.blade.php
│   ├── new-tag.blade.php
│   ├── new-user.blade.php
│   ├── profile.blade.php                       # Profile page
│   ├── roles.blade.php                         # Roles table
│   ├── single-message.blade.php                # Single message page
│   ├── tags.blade.php                          # Tags table
│   ├── users.blade.php                         # Users table
│   └── widgets.blade.php                       # Widgets page  
├── map.blade.php                               # Map page
├── tasks.blade.php                             # Tasks page
├── transactions.blade.php                      # Transactions page

Customer reviews

5.0 out of 5
3 Reviews for Volt Pro Laravel
2 years ago

Nice template for our webapps, clear documentation

2 years ago

Nice template with good documentation. Many forms and examples which save time.

1 year ago

Very nice template. A quick way to go with livewire

Write a review


We believe that providing meaningful updates to our templates are important to keep up with the evolution of the dependencies, libraries, and the new design requirements that the modern day web industry requires.

Below you can see the timeline of changes for Volt Pro Laravel since its initial launch 3 years ago.


v1.0.1 - April 1st, 2022
  • Upgrade to Laravel 9.x