Build complex admin panels faster with a premium fullstack tool featuring ready to use Laravel CRUDs and Livewire & Alpine.js integrations. We partnered with UPDIVISION to help you cut up to 90 hours of development time for a wide range of admin panels: blogs, lightweight e-commerce platforms, SaaS apps.
Volt Dashboard PRO Laravel is a powerful, versatile dashboard which comes with the most commonly used CRUDs in any app: #users, #roles, #items, #categories, #tags. Add in a clean design with over 800 handcrafted UI components and you`ve got an awesome starter pack for building web apps.
What am I getting?
You're getting a multi-purpose tool for building complex apps. Complete with a clean, elegant design.
Volt Dashboard PRO Laravel at a glance:
- 800+ handcrafted Bootstrap 5 UI components to make your app stand out. From buttons and forms to alerts and datepickers
- 21 example pages to get you started, including sign up page, transactions, Kanban board & more
- 10 lightweight plug-ins
- Laravel CRUDs for the most used functionalities in any CMS: role-based authentication system, my profile, CRUDs for managing users, roles, items, categories and tags
- SaaS files & Gulp commands
- Livewire & Alpine.js integration
- Documentation for each component so you can get started fast
Designed to save time
The backend is fully integrated, meaning you can easily tick all the boxes for a fully-functional admin panel for your custom application. You have hundreds of UI components to choose from, which you can easily edit using Sass files and classes. In short, everything you need so that your app looks like you want it to look and does what you want it to do.
Free demo
Check out the open-source demo version for a taste of what Volt Dashboard PRO Laravel has to offer.