Volt React Dashboard

Free and open source React Admin Dashboard Template


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Volt React is a free and open source admin dashboard template powered by React.js and Bootstrap 5 featuring over 100 UI elements, customized plugins, and example pages to kickstart your single page web application.

All web components are declared as React components, meaning that most of the options to change the color, sizing, or attributes of the elements can be done so using props. Moreover, the elements are based on the latest version of Bootstrap 5, the most popular CSS framework in the world.

You can easily customize the appearance of the dashboard and elements using the Sass variables and mixins which we have extended from the default Bootstrap 5 source files. Changes will be instantly reflected when working in development mode and automatically compiled to CSS when building in the production environment.

Powered by React.js

React.js is one of the most popular front-end libraries in the world for building interactive user interfaces. The UI elements in this theme are all built using React components. We also used a data-driven methodology to pass an array of objects, which will make it easy to connect with a back-end API later.

The starting point of the project is based on the official create-react-app repository, and the default Bootstrap 5 elements are an extension of the react-bootstrap library.

Based on Bootstrap 5

The launch of Bootstrap 5 brought many improvements to the most popular CSS framework in the world, such as dropping the dependency on jQuery, introducing RTL support, massively improving the styles and markup, and adding a new utilities API.

Volt React Dashboard extends the default Bootstrap components by customizing the Sass source files, and also offers a wide array of extra components that the framework does not have by default. The dashboard pages and general layout can also save you a lot of time to kickstart your single page web application in no time.

Customize with Sass variables and mixins

If you want to customize the appearance of your application, you can easily do so by updating the variables and mixins from the Sass source files, changing the colors, fonts, sizings and many more. The changes will be instantly reflected when you save a file in the browser and automatically compiled into a CSS file when building for production.

Live code examples

You can read more about how to get started by reading the documentation. We’ve worked a lot to provide meaningful code example of the components and plugins, and you can even play around with the components using our live code editor. Check it out for the form components, for instance.

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Price: $0
Released: 4 years ago
Updated: 4 years ago
Version: 1.0.1
Category: Admin dashboards
Well Documented
  • 6 months premium support included
  • 100% W3C valid HTML5 files
  • Future updates
  • Fully responsive pages
  • 30 day refund policy
  • Built by Themesberg

10 Hand-crafted Example Pages

After downloading Volt React Dashboard you will get 10 high-quality example pages to save you time writing boilerplate code and set up the user interface of your website or web application in no time.

Hover over any page below and if you click on one of them you will be able to live preview one of the example pages in your browser.

Folder structure

We believe that being transparent when it comes to the code base and the file structure can make you better understand how it is going to be like to actually work with Volt React.

Below you can check out the folder structure of this template, and by hovering over each item you can also read an explanation of what the folder contains and what its role is.

The perfect folder structure for your project

The folder structure is based on the popular create-react-app repository using Sass source files for CSS preprocessing.

  • src
    • assets
    • components
    • data
    • pages
    • scss
    • index.js
    • routes.js
  • build
  • node_modules
  • package.json
  • README.md
  • .gitignore

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We believe that providing meaningful updates to our templates are important to keep up with the evolution of the dependencies, libraries, and the new design requirements that the modern day web industry requires.

Below you can see the timeline of changes for Volt React since its initial launch 4 years ago.
