Leaf - Nonprofit Environmental Bootstrap 4 Template

Clean Environmental Bootstrap 4 Theme


We created Leaf to provide non profit organisations a platform through which they can efficiently send their message to the world. It's clean and it is the best non profit environmental theme ever created. We put a lot of focus on the scientifical data about climate change. It is based on the most popular CSS framework called Bootstrap 4 and comes with the most advanced web developer toolkit, namely Sass, Gulp & Npm.

The pages from Leaf are logically constructed to provide both scientifical data but also to offer a way to reach out to donors and let the visitors know about the updates and news the organisation may have. Leaf comes with 15 unique and fully featured pages including a donation page, updates page, "our mission" page and the other specialty pages.

We created the perfect Gulp commands to effectively serve and generate both distribution and unminified copies of the project. Leaf also comes with a special folder called html&css which does not include Sass for those who want to avoid it.

For the more advanced developers we used the variables and mixins from Sass by the book and it is stongly coupled with the variables provided by Bootstrap.

Leaf is also fully responsive Bootstrap 4 theme with great speed performance and fully valid W3C HTML files.

86 purchases
Price: $59
Released: 5 years ago
Updated: 5 years ago
Version: 1.2
Category: Bootstrap
Well Documented
  • 6 months premium support included
  • 100% W3C valid HTML5 files
  • Future updates
  • Fully responsive pages
  • 30 day refund policy
  • Built by Themesberg

15 Hand-crafted Example Pages

After downloading Leaf - Nonprofit Environmental Bootstrap 4 Template you will get 15 high-quality example pages to save you time writing boilerplate code and set up the user interface of your website or web application in no time.

Hover over any page below and if you click on one of them you will be able to live preview one of the example pages in your browser.

Folder structure

We believe that being transparent when it comes to the code base and the file structure can make you better understand how it is going to be like to actually work with Leaf.

Below you can check out the folder structure of this template, and by hovering over each item you can also read an explanation of what the folder contains and what its role is.

You need only HTML, CSS and Javascript?

Don't worry, we got you covered. We have a folder called html&css which includes only the basic HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript technologies.

  • src
    • assets
    • html
    • partials
    • scss
    • index.html
  • html&css
  • .temp
  • dist
  • node_modules
  • gulpfile.js
  • package.json
  • README.md
  • .gitignore

Customer reviews

5.0 out of 5
2 Reviews for Leaf
5 years ago

Pleasantly surprised by how clean it is. So far so good using it!

4 years ago

Amazing! really enjoying the colors and everything. It seems a little incomplete :( Rocket template is way more developed. I would appreciate if you could add more designs to this awesome template. Thanks!

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We believe that providing meaningful updates to our templates are important to keep up with the evolution of the dependencies, libraries, and the new design requirements that the modern day web industry requires.

Below you can see the timeline of changes for Leaf since its initial launch 5 years ago.


v1.2 - December 20, 2019 Latest release
  • Fix all W3C issues
  • Improve homepage card spacings
  • Small bug fixes
v1.1 - November 7, 2019
  • Fixed some visual spacing problems with the elements
v1.1 - November 5, 2019
  • Initial release files