Figma Admin Dashboard Template

Free Figma admin dashboard template


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Figma Admin Dashboard Template is a free and open-source design kit built in Figma for application UI and admin dashboard interfaces.

Features include UI components, such as buttons, badges, navbars using Figma variants, auto-layout, style guide based on the utility classes from Tailwind CSS, and even mobile screen examples.

UI Components and variants

You also get a couple of UI components and variants, such as buttons, illustrations, badges, navbars, sidebars, and even SVG powered icons. Most of the components also include Figma Variants, which means that you can easily change the size or color of these elements with only one click.

Responsive screens

Another important aspect of this design kit is that you will get the equivalent of the dashboard interface on a desktop screen, but also for mobile devices. Nowadays, there are more mobile users globally, than desktop and tablet combined.

Style guide

The backbone of this Figma kit is the style guide that we’ve built based on the Tailwind CSS classes, such as the colors, typography, spacing. This is important because it enables a consistency across the UI.

Optimized for Tailwind CSS

This design kit has been developed in order to be integrated with the Tailwind CSS utility classes. This doesn’t mean that the Figma kit can’t be used with any other CSS framework or just vanilla CSS, but in case you want to use Tailwind CSS, it will be much easier to code the design.

Upgrade to Pro

If you want to take your Figma productivity to the next level, check out the pro version of this Figma Admin Dashboard Template which includes 27 hand-crafted pages, many more UI components, style guide items, and also includes responsive screen examples for tablet devices.

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Price: $0
Released: 3 years ago
Updated: 3 years ago
Version: 1.0.0
Category: Figma
Well Documented
  • 6 months premium support included
  • 100% W3C valid HTML5 files
  • Future updates
  • Fully responsive pages
  • 30 day refund policy
  • Built by Themesberg

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We believe that providing meaningful updates to our templates are important to keep up with the evolution of the dependencies, libraries, and the new design requirements that the modern day web industry requires.

Below you can see the timeline of changes for Figma Admin Dashboard since its initial launch 3 years ago.